Ambigious Spaces

“Over the past few decades architecture as an idea and practice has increasingly limited its definition of itself. […] the reality is that architectural styles and forms are often the seductive packaging and repackaging of the same proven, marketable concepts […] beneath the cloak of radicalism the conventions of existing building typologies and programs, with all their comforting familiarity, still rule – and sell. What is needed desperately today are approaches to architecture that can free its potential to transform our ways of thinking, and acting.”
Lebbeus Woods (from the foreword of PA29: Ambiguous Spaces)
The Pregnant Island investigates the impact of large dams on minority communities in China and mainly Brazil. Inspired by heartbreaking statistics about gender inequality, mass migration and loss of culture and a desire to explore the subject outside the problem-solving straitjacket, the project absorbs the factual and mixes it with mythical native tales.
Nuclear Breeding is an experiment in architectural representation on the theme of atomic proliferation. The site is the seaside region of Orfordness in South England. The project explores the history of the place as a former military base for the creation of the first British atomic bomb, “The Blue Danube’.