Scavengers & Other Creatures in Promised Lands
by Ricardo de Ostos and Nannette Jackowski London, 2017, 29x24cm, 152pp, illustrated, paperback.
publisher: AA Publications (2017)
Is the idea of environment in architecture only ever reducible to ‘environmental architecture’? Our answer is a resolute no. Instead we offer an alternative reading of ‘environment’, in which the brutal and lyrical are juxtaposed through visually compelling narratives of architecture. -
Drawing: The Motive Force of Architecture
by Sir Peter Cook 'The Hanging Cemetery of Baghdad' and 'Infrastructural Ecology' are featured in the second edition of Peter Cook's book "Drawing: The Motive Force of Architecture" (Second edition, AD Primer series)
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons -
Performative Materials in Architecture and Design
by Rashida Ng and Sneha Patel (Editors) 'Ectoplasmatic Library' by NaJa & DeOstos is featured in the book Performative Materials in Architecture and Design.
Editor: Rashida Ng and Sneha Patel
Publisher: Intelect, University of Chicago Press (2013) -
Utopia Forever
by Lukas Feireiss (ed) 'The Hanging Cemetery' and 'The Barbarian Spaceport' featured in Utopia Forever - Visions of Architecture and Urbanism, published by Gestalten Berlin, edited by Lukas Feireiss.
Ambigious Spaces
by NaJa & deOstos with a foreword by Lebbeus Woods and an introduction by Brett Steele
Publisher: Princeton Architectural Press (2008)
Ambiguous Spaces, an installment in the Pamphlet Architecture series and a return to Pamphlet's own progressive roots, features the architectural fictions "The Pregnant Island" and "Nuclear Breeding." These two projects develop alternative urban concepts that address the challenges presented by the specific situations and social dynamics described in controversial locations such as the Brazilian Tucurui Dam, the Three Gorges Dam in China, and former English nuclear test sites. Using narrative techniques, fictional programs, ambiguous spaces, and building devices, Ambiguous Spaces explores people, communities, and even entire cities oppressed by a lack of freedom. -
The Hanging Cemetery of Baghdad
by NaJa & deOstos with a preface by Peter Cook
Editor: RIEA Europa (Guy Lafranchi, Lebbeus Woods)
Publisher: Springer WienNewYork (2007)
The Hanging Cemetery of Baghdad is a speculative project of architecture. Since its sketchy inception dating back to the summer of 2004 to today, we intended to explore what architecture could generate when faced with extreme cultural and political scenarios like the current crisis in the Middle east. As with the rest of our work, the focus of the project is less in the form of a final object than as a script that it inserts into the city.